Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Somewhere in Time ~ The Movie

OH MY! One of my favorite movies!!!
Once you’ve seen this romantic movie, you’ll dream of donning a Somewhere in Time Hat and promenading the elegant porch of the Grand Hotel. Somewhere in Time was written by Richard Mathison and was originally named “Bid Time Return” published in 1975 and made into a film in 1980.
It’s a story of love, desperation and time travel. Richard Collier, played by Christopher Reeve, is a playwright in the 1970′s. He completes his debut performance of his first play and an elderly woman walks up to him, hands him a watch and says “come back to me”. This is the beginning of Richard’s incredible journey as he learns about self hypnosis, buys clothing from the early 1900′s and takes a journey to Somewhere in Time to the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Michigan. He finds a picture of Elise McKenna, played by Jane Seymour, and he realized that he was in love with her…unable to sleep, he proceeds to will himself back to 1912 and then the story really begins.
The Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island hosts a Somewhere in Time event every October…where a large following of fans arrive to the gala all dressed up in the style of around 1910. The beautiful ladies donn Somewhere in Time hats, gorgeous gowns and dainty shoes. The dashing gentlemen are wearing, suits, shoes and hats that depict the style of the era.
I design a lot of Edwardian Tea Hats that would compliment your outfit when you attend a Somewhere in Time Weekend at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island.

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