Saturday, March 21, 2015

Think Kentucky Derby! Spring is Such a “GLORIOUS” Time of the Year!

My Downton Abbey hats are perfect for the Kentucky Derby or Ascot hats!

After a long winter, the vestiges of spring are welcome sights.  Even the tiny touch of green as the leaves begin to bud bring a sense of relief combined with delight that winter is finally departed.  The daffodils… as they peek through the ground lighten your heart with gladness as you anticipate the glorious blooms that will soon explode in all their beauty.  Making plans to enjoy warmer and kinder days as the snow melts away and we can even look forward to mowing the grass.

1920’s Downton Abbey Hat ~ Lady Rosy
MissRosie (3)
It’s also the time of year when we celebrate Easter, Mother’s Day and graduations; all are occasions to wear a hat.  Also we make plans for Kentucky Derby, races and tea parties!
Therefore spring can be celebrated with the daintiest of hats as well as the most extravagant of hats. This smaller brim hat that I’m showcasing in this blog is perfect for any occasion.
The hats pictured are some of my more dainty creations!
All of my hats are either very limited editions or One of a Kind!

1920’s Downton Abbey Hat ~ Daisy
Daisy hats 017  a784_1L
 a772_4L   Daisy hats 037
1920’s Downton Abbey Hat ~ Emily
Vintage Easter Card
Easter card

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Kentucky Derby & Red Roses

Each year, a garland of more than 400 red roses is sewn into a green satin backing with the seal of the Commonwealth on one end and the Twin Spires and number of the race’s current renewal on the other. Each garland is also adorned with a “crown” of roses, green fern and ribbon. The “crown,” a single rose pointing upward in the center of the garland, symbolizes the struggle and heart necessary to reach the Derby Winner’s Circle. 

Red roses are used to say “I love you,” and are symbolic of unconditional love.
They also stands for courage and respect.
Red roses express deep feelings of love to a very special person and should therefore never be offered on a first date or to a person with whom one is not intimate.
One of my favorite Kentucky Derby hat designs is named “Run for the Roses”
It’s a red hat with red roses and red lace.
Run for the Roses Red rose
Please visit my shop East Angel Harbor Hats for more “Run for the Roses” hats in a variety of colors
Beth at Go Red
My Kentucky Derby Hats can be worn to other events too!
Beth is wearing “Run for the Roses” at a GO RED event for heart disease.
